Sandip Tiwari
Charles N. Mellowes Professor in Engineeering
(Curriculum Vitae, Short Bio)
410 Phillips Hall
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-2501
Email: | st222@cornell.edu |
Phone: | (607)254-6254 |
Facsimile: | (607)255-8601 |
Admin. Asst. for NNIN: | Rebecca Lee Vliet Ph: (607)254-4840 |
Admin. Asst. for ECE: | Daniel Richter Ph: (607)255-5492 |
I am primarily an experimentalist who also develops theory in the broad area of what I call electro-sciences - the engineering and science of condensed matter.
My current research interests are in the challenging intellectual or practical questions that arise in using nanoscale and when connecting large scales, such as those of massively integrated electronic systems - a complex system, to small scales, such as those of small devices and structures that come about from the use of nanoscale. In the former, we invent, develop new technologies, new applications and understanding. The latter, because of non-linearities, coupling across scales, hierarchy and adaptation, is an exciting area at the boundaries of science and engineering; we have started calling this NanoComplexity. Our effort encompasses electronics, optics, information processing and communications. In detail, our group has spent the past few years exploring adaptive energy-efficient electronics - a path that leads through small devices and their circuits, newer approaches to CMOS structures, three-dimensional integration, mixed-signal electronics, ideas and technologies that allow functional integration, and also has interesting offshoots for small structures in other interdisciplinary areas. Nanoscale and energy constraints are leading us to explore directions for computation that are approximate but useful and robust.
I am also interested in the role of science in third world, issues related to poverty and development, and in our place in the natural world as humans, the only species with the capability to change the path of the survival of the fittest. In my ‘other life’ I spend my time practicing and supporting related activities in India.
The directions in my group are constantly evolving, driven by new discoveries and the fundamental questions. The students and the staff in the group focus on thoughtful and detailed pursuit of subjects without losing the context of the grand problems and intellectual pursuit in an academic environment.
I also direct the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN), a fourteen universities science and engineering enterprise funded by National Science Foundation. NNIN, through its university-based laboratories, helps with research, development, and commercialization via experimental, computational, and educational support, drawing from the nanoscale frontiers. NNIN laboratories are used by nearly 5000 advanced users (PhD students and scientists) and its educational events attended by thousands.
I am always happy to chat with new Ph.D. students, graduate and undergraduate students, post-doctoral fellows and colleagues on diverse topics of science, research, education, society, history, ethics - all that tickles the mind. The door to my office is always open, but do not take umbrage if I defer because of a deadline.
Students interested in joining the group are strongly encouraged to first get some of the preparatory course work finished, spend some time exploring Cornell and its offerings, and be prepared to take on difficult problems. The students in the group have traditionally been from ECE, Applied Physics and Physics.
For further thoughts on these directions, see the recent publications, short courses, symposia, and opinions. I am an ardent enthusiast of openness, satyagraha, and academic research taking on truly challenging questions of science and engineering and of our world.